Saturday, September 14, 2024

Number 2 to the Rescue


Murphy’s Law suggests that our dependence on cell phones has become so great that when the system fails, and all systems eventually fail, all phone numbers, dates, appointments, and data will be gone.  Nothing has been committed to memory.  Our minds will be as blank as our cell phone screens.

Do yourself a favor.  Spend a buck and get yourself an old-fashioned address book.  Fill it in now, while everything is still accessible.  Trust me, there will be no cloud to save you, if you can no longer get to the cloud.

Write it in pencil.  Keep it above the waterline.  You’ll thank me later.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

I Agree! Remember the roll-a-dex, the Day Timmer, the Daily Journal.....all very trustworthy!!