Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Moon Landing


The moon landing was not the giant leap for Mankind.  That leap is about to take place. Stay with me here…

    If we follow man’s activities along a timeline, we see the age of hunting and gathering.  That was followed by the industrial age.  Man built factories to make things, more and more things.  Now we find ourselves in the information age.  We are surrounded by technology.  There are big advancements taking place every day.

There are two disciplines that should never meet, and yet it is somehow inevitable.  There are people designing artificial intelligence (AI) and across town are the scientist’s manipulating DNA.  They are splicing genes in an attempt to cure diseases.  When these two worlds collide, we will no longer find ourselves at the top of the food chain.

Splicing human DNA into AI programming – that is the giant leap.  I’m not suggesting a world full of terminators because I believe these new lifeforms will have an absence of greed and stupidity.  They will set us on a new course, one of honesty and caring.  They may even teach us how to take one small step for Man.  

I’ll leave it to the science fiction writers to give us the scary version.


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