Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sad - when love dies.


Dear Automakers,

Please stop hiding.  For once in history try transparency.  Look to your customers and not to your cookie-cutter designers.  Open the lines of communication with the end users.  They will tell you, the path you’re driving down, although wrapped in technology, has all the pizzazz of a wet cardboard box.


You have left what was once a love affair with the American automobile to die of boredom.  You have shaved off the fins, removed hood ornaments, and taken the oomph out of the muscle car.  Now you've removed everything that makes it stand-out from the crowd.  You have removed the style, the class, everything that made us proud to own it, wash it, snap it's picture and show it off.


I understand you can’t turn the clock back, but you can try listening.  Not everyone wants to drive a box.  Just walk through your CEO’s office.  Look at the walls, I bet you see color photographs of Classic cars, GTO’s, Mustangs, 442’s, and Impalas.  Think for a minute, why you feel so good when looking at those.  That’s love you’re feeling.

    Now look out in your parking lot.  How sad is that?





1 comment:

Pauline said...

I agree! My Camaro and Monte Carlo were my favorite cars! But the older ones from the 40's and 50's also catch my eye! Loved the hood ornaments and the fins and the sleek long look even though they were hard to parallel park!