Tuesday, September 24, 2024

It could also be affected by laundry day


        Some of you may be familiar with the saying, you can’t step into the same river twice.   That does not apply to this blog.  For those of you who have ventured into the very back pages, you have most likely noticed that some topics have been repeated.   But here’s the thing, I am, at different times, a different person.  So, although the river may appear to be the same, the foot that I plunge into it may now be wearing a different sock, or no sock at all.

        For example, at some point in time I could appreciate a picture for one reason, while sometime later, I may see it in an all together different light. Consequently, it is possible I may use the same picture for two or more different topics, depending on lighting, composition, wool or argyle.  It's really hard to predict.