Friday, September 27, 2024

A Rookie Mistake


I can’t tell you how long, how many times I have casually looked out to the back yard just to see if there is anything worth photographing.  Which is why, when I finally did see something out there, I got too excited.  I ran into the other room and got my camera.  I tried to be both fast and quiet.  I wasn’t sure how much, whatever it was, could hear me.  I hurried up to the sliding glass door, and as gently as I could, clicked the latch and slowly slid the door open.

I was in luck, it was still there.  Ever so slowly I raised my camera and began clicking.  People would have to believe me now.  I’d have photographic proof.  It must have either saw me or heard the clicking, because it suddenly turned and went down to water level and disappeared.  It didn’t matter now.  I got it on film.

As I tell you about this adventure of mine, I must admit I’ve already seen the shots, and the moment I saw them I knew.  I had myself a wonderful collection of pictures of the inside of my lens cap.  Why I'm admitting this, I'm not sure.  Maybe if I embarrass myself enough I'll learn.