Tuesday, September 10, 2024



    I wouldn’t have made a good Indian.  I’m not all that fond of nature, I’ve never been able to sharpen my own pocketknife, and I could never kill anything and eat it.  I guess, given enough time I could probably start a fire, but no guarantees on not burning myself in the process.

    Never could I have been a sports figure.  On a scale of one to ten, my coordination is a 3 at best.  I tire easily, can’t jump worth a darn, I’m dangerous with a golf club, and if I were about to be tackled, I’d fall down and play dead.  I don’t ski, water or snow.  I don’t run, skydive or drive a race car. 

    Even writing this blog… that doesn’t just happen.  There is a team of skilled professionals adjusting my tenses, fixing my spelling and power-washing most of the commas away.  In fact, the only thing I can really be blamed for is content.  Yep, that’s all me.  For that, I have my own system.  It can be something I hear, or maybe something I happen to notice when I’m out and about.  Once in a while it is just a smell.  A fragrance can make a mental connection to a memory or a feeling.  I never know when something I write has an odor to it, but I hear things.  




1 comment:

Pauline said...

And isn't that AMAZING! Takes all kinds of talent and interests to make this world a better place - and You DO!