Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Heaven Help Me


Finding where I fit in is a full-time job.  There is so much I don’t agree with and so much I’d like to change that it makes me feel as though I’m the square peg.

How is it that so many people just go along with something so blatantly wrong?  Why do we continue to pay more and more for less and less?  Is there anyone actually in charge?

I set my trash out on Monday night for a Tuesday morning pick-up.  What I would really like to do is set out the majority of television programing and let the men in the garbage trucks haul it to the landfill, cover it over while the birds circle overhead cheering loudly.

It is not, however, my intention to use this blog to whine and complain.  There is enough of that in the media.  My real activity here is just thinking out loud.  When I type it here and then sit back and read it, I’m hoping it sparks something within me.  I’m probably hoping it sparks a little voice that says, “It’s not you.”

Maybe Heaven for me will be a land of square holes.  No matter where I go or what I do, I’ll fit in.



 I have just received a notice
by way of email, that the landfill
will not accept television programing.
They said it violates their standards.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

I'm thinking that if enough people read your Blog you will thereby affect change.....or is that effect change? Anyway, you are doing your part to hopefully make people think! Good Job!!