Friday, October 11, 2024

The Next Plate


With each pull of the handle the slot machine spins while I sit there waiting to see if I win.  Spoil alert, I don’t.

        On an unrelated subject, sort of, I was putting the clean dishes back into the cupboard and thinking just how heavy each dish is.  This entire stack of dishes weighs quite a bit.  Add to that, all the different sizes and that weight quatripples.  Yes, I know that isn’t a real word, but that is a lot of weight.  How is it the entire cupboard doesn’t come crashing down?

I keep thinking, the very next plate I add to the stack will be the one that puts it over the edge.  The only thing in my favor is that I am not the one who designed and built the cupboard.  There must be an unseen carpenter’s trick I don't know about.  

Most things are better if I don’t think about them.



1 comment:

Pauline said...

Solution: Paper Plates!!