Thursday, October 3, 2024

Off the Rails


Leaves and interest rates are falling.  This storm has put me in a tropical depression.  While on this blog I make adventures, I make stories and I make believe, and I can't really say I trust in the healing power of chicken soup.


I enjoy the occasional U-turn, I always stand back a bit from the edge and never mind being picked last for anything, but here's the thing, I believe the bad juju emitted from passport photos affects wind direction, which in turn tumbles garden gnomes across your yard.  The worse the picture, the more gnomes.  It’s a proven equation.


Should you ever encounter an entire gaggle of gnomes in someone’s yard, just keep walking.  Don’t even slow down.  Rest assured, these are the people that are on the no-fly list and yet have tons of flies around them.

    They rarely smile and seldom blink.  They don’t age well and yet keep doing it.  Not wishing to put too fine a point on it, but these gnome people are societal misfits.   They use doilies to dress up their couch.   They have ponytails protruding from the side of their head and are usually vegetarians with a beef.


        This is one of those times when not having any idea on what to write about, I should have just shut my computer off and read a book.  You know, what someone else has written.


Yes.   Up a tree. 

    A mental wind with unthinking gusts has uprooted my thoughts and now they tumble about in unsettling directions.


            I have lost my focus amidst the dust and misfired synapses, perhaps more noticeable to others than I appreciate.   


            Surely I am off on some adventure of great import, doing what thinking I have left; sipping an aromatic tea designed to calm such mental winds as I have suffered.


            Should you find the pages I’ve lost, stack them at the side door with the milk bottles.  Set upon them a heavy idea to hold them down.


            When my return is discovered it may be that I am huddled in a blanket, sitting in the bleachers - cheering for the other side.  Then again, it’s altogether possible you’ll find yourself sitting next to me at an establishment of tables.


            Know what I lack in social graces I make up for in random thoughts - 


            Though hardly worth the penny.






1 comment:

Pauline said...

Possibly - but I read it:)