Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Power Outage


With every power outage comes both quiet and chaos.   Everything in the home stops running.  There are no hums from appliances, no ticks from clocks and no air movement from the furnace.  The only thing that magnifies the quiet is the darkness.

What does start, however, is the warming of the fridge.  As the cold within the box reduces, the decay of the food increases.  Expiration dates become accelerated and aromas, although not pleasant, increase.  It becomes a test to see how long you can go before opening the door, even if only briefly.

Turns out, the large cement slab is not really the foundation of your house.  The power is.  It is the thing upon which everything else is balanced.  We live inside a complex set of Jenga blocks.  Remove the wrong one and life spoils.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Oh, So True! As a matter of fact, I just bought new batteries for our lanterns in anticipation of a power outage this season.