Saturday, October 5, 2024




As you travel through this blog you may notice an absence of uniformity.  This is because we do not have a blog owners association. (BOA)

There are well constructed stories with great foundations, wonderful syntax and almost perfect grammar.  Right next door you may see some ramshackle paragraph with mo  tor  cy  cel  parts strewn about, and runonsentences abandoned in front of some half-baked idea.

I knew this when I moved here, but what you won’t see is annoying advertising.  No pop-up messages or grabby headlines leading to even more advertising.

Oh sure, there are nicer blogs, with great-looking entrances.  Some even have little guard shacks and automatic gates, with spell-check before you enter, but I feel comfortable here.  It has been home for over 12 years now and…      Oh, here’s one, I saw this blog once that had some obnoxious twerp, walking around saying,

“What we have here – is a failure to communicate.”

Not for me, Pal.  I'll stay right here.



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