Saturday, November 24, 2012

The One That Got Away

He dangles his now cool feet from the end of the pier - his fishing line disappearing several yards out.  It is here he contemplates Sally, from the office.  Her golden hair falling across her shoulders, her blue eyes flashing to the beat of his heart.

By mid-morning he is deep in thought while the hook lightly bounces upon the lake bottom.  Any nibble at this point would be an unwelcome distraction.

Far across the water on the opposite shore an Irish Setter runs freely down the beach, his coat shimmering - his voice now raspy having rejoiced at such freedom.

Back in the city a long line of black cars makes its way slowly through the traffic.  Somber occupants gaze blankly through tinted windows.

As they pass Bronchi’s Liquor, a man runs from the store - as if being chased.  Street vendors can be heard selling in the distance.

Standing at a pay phone - a man with two

small children explains to a distant voice

why he cannot marry again.  As one of the

children wanders off the second attempts

to warn.  She reaches up to the dangling

phone cord -

As the phrase, “Cold Feet” enters his thoughts he feels a slight tug on the line.

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