Sunday, February 23, 2020

You wouldn't have believed me

If I had told you I saw a Great Horned Toad
with a mighty wingspan flying over the city,
you would have thought I'd gone crackers.

Even if I had said it wasn't actually a
great toad, but simply a flying frog -
you would have rolled your eyes and
walked away thinking I'd had a nip or two.

But - were I to show you an actual
photograph of a magical flying frog
just seconds before he turned into
a handsome Prince.

well then you'd have to believe me.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

What is it?

There are places and spaces
patterns and rows -
Occasionally something
where nothing there goes -

There is sparkle then dark will
fill in the blanks -
Figure it out
and your brain will say thanks.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Man looks to Earth for soil

and to Heaven for the possibility of mud.


Saturday, February 15, 2020

Dear Google

These are your instructions for backing up a blog:

Back up your blog

When you back up your blog, you get an .xml file of the posts and comments:
  1. In the top left, click the Down arrow Down Arrow.
  2. Click the blog to back up.
  3. In the left menu, click Settings and then Other.
  4. In the "Import & back up" section, click Back up Content and then Save to your computer.

Can anyone show me where this mystery down arrow is?  I have gone to the top left.  I have walked around with a flashlight and an electronic down arrow finder, but there is nothing there.  I guess it is altogether possible that when cleaning my monitor I accidentally wiped it off.

Okay, I'm back.  I checked my cleaning cloth and there is no down arrow there.  I did not see it on the floor and I have gone through the entire vacuum cleaner bag.  No arrow.  I did, however, find 8 cents.

Is this a little Microsoft humor?  Are you just having fun at my expense?  

"Let's see how long we can get someone to look for a non-existent arrow."

Should I go to the Microsoft store and download an arrow replacement?  Will I need monitor glue to stick it on, and which way should it point?  My down or your down?

Can I even afford a replacement arrow?  Does it need to be compatible with the other arrows that are hidden somewhere here and there, in various programs.  Say... can I just move one of those other arrows over to the top - left?

Maybe I'll try that.

You wait there, I'll be right back. 

On Government

I haven’t the knowledge
to form an opinion
I haven’t the courage
to fight

What I have
is a nagging obsession
that tells me
something’s not right


User Friendly

Oh two click mouse
I wish I knew
just how it is
I change you -

I’d like to
with a single click
rearrange you.


User friendly
is what they say
Yet 20 steps
engages -

When all I ever
need to do
is simply
number pages.


Thursday, February 13, 2020


            When I examine the workings of a gadget I take a close look at its parts.  At times there are wires, levers, and gears.  Sometimes there are moving parts and sometimes parts that do nothing but hold or support the actions of others. 

Whenever I examine myself - I take a closer look at you.  For example: I know that you will never drop the, point nine, from the price of gas.   I also know that you will never use large people to advertise your gym memberships. 

All of the little things I see you do tell me something about myself.   On a much larger scale I see you diluting the information age into nothing more than fashion and gossip, while saturating society with advertising. 

You are altering the face of our culture, adjusting the class structure and manipulating the chemistry of our food.  I cannot help but notice these changes as I myself must consider the fear-based ads, the health scares and become subjected to the technological intrusions. 
          Alice kept telling herself that she was in a dream; all she needed to do was to wake up and everything would be alright.  The scary part, however, is that the Jabberwocky is not only real, but is taxing us beyond all rational logic, while forcing us to register our Vorpal swords.  

But I can see that my thoughts have perhaps melded with those of the Hatter, so I shall stop short of comparing a raven to a writing desk and return to the image of the overweight person advertising gym memberships.

          While I still thirst for the knowledge I missed while focusing on test scores, you have advanced without direction or regulation.  You have built things that this planet cannot rid itself of; you have diverted resources to support chaos and allowed government to ignore the very people it was designed to sustain. 

This shows me that I am a complacent onlooker, and nothing more.  My reflection blends with the multitudes to the point that I become lost within the gears.   I am an inactive part of something I do not support.

          Perhaps Socrates was wrong when he suggested, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”  Whenever I fail to scrutinize my life – my thoughts becomes an oasis - void of political corruptions, absent of toxic environments and a pleasant diversion from the insanity.  

There is something to be said for the race horse wearing blinders; his own heartbeat drowns out the masses, his breathing quickly blends into a rhythm and his focus is not on the finish line but simply on the moment at hand.
          Each of us develops nurtures and carries around our own reality.  When individual realities collide with each other several things can happen.  If during the collision it is determined that they are compatible, they become friends.  Should they be as different as say… a raven and a writing desk, they let out an indignant snort and go their separate ways.

Then there are those rare occasions when someone’s reality is spread out across a sheet of paper for others to see.  Lewis Carroll, Edgar Poe, A. E. Housman, and so on have filled page upon page with separate realities.  When I wish to examine myself against those - I experience a somewhat calming sensation.  I do not hear a snort, nor smell the lingering stench of burnt popcorn, but rather find myself reconsidering the unexamined life and whether or not Socrates and I would have been friends.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Pantry

In the back of the pantry
there's a thing out of date -
you forgot that you bought it
and now it's too late -
The label is missing
there's two inches of dust
the can, it is puffy
and starting to rust -
What could it have been
out of sight and forgotten -
that silently grew
into something so rotten -
No need to take risks
it's not judgement I lack-
and I'm not all that hungry
I'll just put it back.
