Saturday, April 27, 2019


I awoke this morning alone with my thoughts...

but now it seems even my thoughts are elsewhere.

Z. Corwin

Thursday, April 18, 2019


I gave you wings
that you might fly
I gave you style and grace
with little effort you can glide
or drift from place to place,

I gave you fishes for your meal
an ocean full abound
I made them sparkle in the sun
so easily they're found,

The only goof in your design
and I'm sorry - it's the worse
but from a height you dive for food
and land each time - face first.

Z. Corwin

Friday, April 12, 2019


Don't stay the winter snowbird
on ice your feet might slip
your wings unfit for crutches
should you fall and break a hip,

Fly South my fragile snowbird
to the Sun, the sand and sky
join pelicans and seagulls
stay warm and safe and dry,

Send to me a postcard
from where weathers always kind
share the life of summer
with those you left behind,

Don't stay the winter snowbird
it's so bitter, cold and bleak
food supplies are frozen
 I fear you'll crack your beak,

Return in spring dear snowbird
when leaves and tulips bloom
when frost has left the window pane
and gone is winter's gloom,

Fly back to us tan snowbird
more chicken than the rest
the slightest hint of winter
you abandoned your own nest.

Z. Corwin

Friday, April 5, 2019

It's A Corwin Thing

I will forever be in the wrong lane.  In every blog entry there will be at least one word spelled incorrectly, either due to me or from the computer changing it to what it thinks I want.

Although I can read a map, never have I had a sense of direction, however, playing with words like I do, I can always tell a J-walk from a U-turn.  (Sorry, just goofing around there.)

The doctor will never give me enough anesthetic, the dentist will always fail to administer adequate Novocain and the same week I buy a new shirt someone will have me over for spaghetti.

For whatever reason I've never been able to breathe through my nose.  For most of my life I have worn two pair of socks at the same time.  I did it the first time when buying new shoes.  I didn't want to get home only to discover they were too tight.  When I got home I found the shoes fit just fine so I just kept wearing two pairs of socks.  After a while it was just habit.

If I set my mind to something, like taking a close-up picture of a pelican, I'll never ever see one again if I have my camera with me.

Whenever I like a food product so much as to mention it to someone, guaranteed it will be discontinued.  I will hear about an amazing deal right after it is too late to do anything about it.

I do not, however, consider myself cursed.  I accept the fact that I will always make the wrong turn, choose the wrong direction and be one card short of a straight.  It is simply my lot in life, and it is somewhere along that wrong road that I will have a great adventure or discover a new friend.  It is just who I am.

I know it.  My friends know it.

And now so do you.

Zobostic Corwin

Monday, April 1, 2019

Change is Easy

There was a small bite mark on my chocolate bar so I put a Band-Aid on it.

There were stitches on my baseball so I left it to recover.

When the wind turned my umbrella inside out I simply held it upside down.

Life doesn't need to be complicated, we just need to adjust our thinking.

Your mind is the easiest thing to change.

No wait - maybe it isn't.

It's A Fashion Statement

Don't set me on a cruise ship
they're way too big to float -
the sea it isn't always flat
and stay, my cookies won't -

It's of the masses I'm not fond
too many in my day -
seem loud and often pushy
every fourth one bathes -

It's not that I am snobby
I'm no better than the rest -
don't put me on a cruise ship
if orange is the vest.
