Friday, April 24, 2020

I Can't Believe This

Photographers have waited a lifetime
to get a shot like this.

Everything was perfect:

My Nikon was in top shape,

the film was fresh,

lighting perfect,

the subject, the background - everything

could not have been better.

I took my time,  made my settings...

and then -

at the most perfect time

an Osprey flies right in front of the camera,

carrying a very large fish

in its claws.

I didn't even have to move,

I simply snapped the picture.

As you may have guessed by now

this all took place some time ago,

back when you had to send film

out to be developed.

My pictures came back with a note
of apology. 

Just so you'll know -

All of the other pictures came out fine.

Mr. Corwin,  we regret to inform you that, due to
an unavoidable mishap at our lab,
we were unable to develop this print.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Father and son

We are time-zones away, you and I.

for here I type - what you,

tomorrow read.

Here, I cook my meal,

you - there,

already in bed.

I plan and hope,

someday we're together.

You -

time-zones away,

search your cereal

for a prize.


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

15 Minutes of Fame

In my younger day

I tried out to be the raisin girl.

I wasn't picked.

Then I auditioned for

Columbia Pictures.

I didn't get that job either.

Finally I tried out to be the Breck Shampoo Girl.

They said they were going in a different 

So apparently, this Blog is my 
15 minutes.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Monday, April 13, 2020


We no longer wipe the handle of the shopping cart with disinfectant before using it.  In fact, we no longer use a shopping cart at all.  We sit at home, usually in front of television, and do our shopping on our cell phone.  Nope, we don’t even talk to anyone, we do it all on-line.

Of course, the people I feel bad for are the marketing professionals who spent years in school learning about product placement.  Fighting with other manufacturers for eye-level shelf space, end cap displays and that ever popular impulse counter at the checkout.

Suddenly, our entire way of life has been altered by a bug so small that a flyswatter is useless against it.  And what about that?  The poor flyswatter makers, who by the way, haven’t changed their product in 5000 years, find themselves unemployed and defenseless against this pest.

I, for one, believe that 3-dimensional graphics should come with every on-line shopping experience.  This way, as Mom reaches the check-out now option on her phone or computer screen, the children will see colorful images of candy bars, Frito's, and toys.

“Hey Mom, stop, go back.  Mom, Mom, I need that, Mom… can we get that?’

Don’t you see, we’re missing the best part of shopping.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

An Empty Gesture

In an effort to do their part to support
social distancing, Delta Airlines announced
they will no longer sell tickets for the middle seat.

Of course they do this at a time when everyone
is forced to stay home, and the airports are empty.

Thanks Delta.

That's quite a commitment. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020


When moisture hangs

         from silent limbs

                             to catch the Sun't first light -

 I shake the tree

                 and so get soaked,

I'm really not too bright.


To my Sister on her Birthday

Were I to fold and kneed the dough
and sculpt a lady strong of will -
I'd beg you here to model so
I'd see just how to fill the bill,

With class and grace I'd first prepare
with charm and laughter in the air -
I'd form and tend with gentle instance
and add a dash of strong persistence,

I'd blend in wisdom, love and dreams
with just a pinch of lively spirit -
and make the lady as she seems
not past the hill - just near it.


Logic & Lewis

I hate to be so practical
but I'm sure you all can see,
you'd never find both carpenter
and walrus by the sea -
The walrus in a single day
makes grunting s like a beast
where  carpenters - without a sound
a thousand bucks at least.


My mind and thoughts are not the same
my thoughts are wild - my mind is tame,
My mind is sometimes overwrought 
simply by a passing thought,
when to death my mind does heed
My thoughts I'll leave for you to read.


California Living

I haven't got a swimming pool
a hot tub or a bar
I hate to run
I just don't jog
or even walk too far -
I eat a lot of sugar
and my seams have given out
I haven't got a Fe-fe
with ribbons all about,
I haven't got a matchbook
with success a stamp away
my sweaters all have patches
but they didn't come that way,
Backgammon is strictly out
tennis is taboo,
racquetball's for someone else
I hate the smelly zoo -
I didn't buy a mansion
on a cliff that might erode
I haven't got a foreign car
designed to self explode,
I can't tell you if it's butter
or rancid marmalade
you'll find no platinum coating
upon my razor blade,
I haven't got a habit
that I'm trying hard to boot,
I haven't got an ethnic drive
to find a single root,
I think I might have passed away
a long, long time ago,
but I can't find ten doctors
for nine of them to know. 


The Chair

Two people in a waiting room
where was a single chair,
Insisted, the politest one
"You sit, it's only fair."

Twenty minutes later
in a voice that broke the still -
the sitter stood and gestured,
"It's your turn, if you will."

A squirm and thirty fidgets
and the sitter finally stood,
The stander said, "One needs a stretch."
"I know - it feels quite good."

Finally, when their patience thought
the wait - a bit unfair,
someone opened up the door
and brought another chair. 


I heard the Hoot Owl call my name
and I there in the wood -
had not recalled a melody
to ever sound as good.

I came upon a tiny brook
a refreshing sip I had
such knowledge - not in any book
the feeling made me glad.

A winding path did call to me
with twists, and turns and bends
it took me deeper in the wood
away from long-time friends.

It took me from the sunlit rays
where flower hearts were still,
no streams or brooks upon my gaze
no warmth to chase the chill.

It took me to an inner place
where courage takes a hand -
and led me to a smiling face
there in the promised land.

Zobostic Corwin

Friday, April 3, 2020

Flush - Rinse - Repeat

There seems to be a movement afoot to make chaos the norm.  It is an almost imperceptible sprinkling of disorder over society, slowly filtering in and blending with acceptable behavior until we no longer recognize right and good.

Add to this the continual dumbing-down and the persona of society changes almost daily.  It is perhaps the overwhelming feeling of helplessness that forces the elderly to withdraw to mental comfort zones, while the working class chases a financial security that was laid to rest with their grandparents. 

This is not an issue to be resolved, for it is simply evolution.  It will, however, behoove the astute observer, for with little effort - direction can be predicted, and from that knowledge - wealth achieved.  If, of course, wealth is as high as you care to aim.

I suggest loftier aspirations, for wealth evaporates into taxes and trinkets.  I submit to you a revolt of such immense proportions that weeks after you have finished reading this essay you will still be digesting its concepts.  It is a passive revolt, but one requiring courage, conviction and a sustained level of outrage so intense as to far outweigh the corruptive effects of government.

The opposition would have you buying bigger and bigger televisions, each claiming to have a picture so true and clear that you'll feel a part of the action.  Well, my friend - you are.  Buy into their plan and you're signed up for life.  But say, "No" to television and you will get your life back.

That's right, I'm suggesting we take back our lives.  We stop the bombardment of ads; we stop the stupidity of sit-coms, and the moronic onslaught of self-adoring nitwits.

The power of our subconscious minds has suffered a brown-out.  Our thoughts should be the central control of our lives.  We must take back full control and accept responsibility for our own direction.

The above essay is not designed to inspire you to action.  I just had some time to kill and felt like writing.   I'm done now.  

Z. Corwin