Saturday, April 28, 2018

I got this for a Fin

It was actually the foot of the fisherman
I was trying to photograph.

I became distracted by the quiet desperation
reflected in the face of the fish.

His helplessness was tugging at my heart.
At that moment I knew I was hooked.

Photo by: D. Black

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Vast Ocean

just to his right, billions upon billions of stars over his head, cloud formations, aircraft and this guy stops to photograph a stick.

Dear stranger,  I mean no disrespect to you or your
sense of awareness.  Perhaps it was a unique stick.
Maybe it had once been fetched by your dog Scooter,
who unfortunately passed away last year.  It's possible,
I guess, that seeing that stick brought up old, painful memories.
But then again, maybe he wouldn't have passed away if you had
remembered to feed him.  Maybe he outgrew his little
puppy collar but you never paid attention and poor 
Scooter kept turning purple from lack of oxygen.

Geez... What's the matter with you?

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Crime Scene

Here's what we know so far;

There is a tray of cookies missing from the kitchen.

The eyewitness tells us the perp is approx. 80 years of age.

Their walker was leaning to the left.

Mark the tennis ball as exhibit A.

OK, who came up with this one?

Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Gallery

Upon the stately walls my art
in muted tones of sight and sound
shall never really have it's start
with quiet, paunchy guards around

Stanchions holding velvet ropes
keeping sticky hands away
a distance, every artist hopes
holds the random sneeze at bay

Far removed my brushes rest
my pallet cleansed of beauties art
while blades and daggers tensiel test
the hardness of the critic's heart.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

You'd think...

a pirate's favorite letter would be  RRRRRRR

but it's not.

It's the C


It takes great concentration, skill and agility
to accomplish something like this.
Years of practice go into holding the camera
perfectly still while balancing yourself
at just the right height, and not
allowing yourself to become distracted
by the incoming tide.