Monday, June 30, 2014

After Thoughts

Parliament of Owls

The parliament of owls

hadn’t really thought it through

The topic was again at hand

when they started asking who?

The question should have been of course,

what happens when we’re through?

Should we fall upon agreement

the debate would have it's rest

No longer need to leave our homes

our hollows or our nest

No cause to get so flustered

or ruffle out our chest -

So to justify existence

disagreement did they sing –

and took a lengthy recess

to convene again in spring.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

As Standard Equipment

This model comes completely loaded with the following options;

And Doodling  

It's nice Larry - but what does it do?

You'll get a better grade if it does something.

Accidental Art

Note to Builder

Shown by Appointment Only

Home for Sale

Beautiful ranch-style on a quiet cul-de-sac, 3 Br, 2.5 Ba, up dated kitchen,

Walk-in closets, new roof, open and airy.  Finished walk-out with oversize lot.

In My Dreams

The Hitchhiker

I wonder if I'm in that lady's photo as well?

A Feeble Attempt

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Film at 11

I’m guessing that our view of Life is influenced greatly by our particular vantage point.  The folks living on top of the mountain better understand the weather at the beach than those living in the valley.  From the mountaintop one can easily see that this morning the beach is fogged in, whereas those in the valley must rely upon second and third hand reports.

          I have a very simplistic view of Life.  It is one that leaves no room for television news reports, newspapers, etc.  I tend to see my life as a beginning point, a lengthy middle duration, and an ending point.  It is with that in mind that I opt to fill the middle section with only good news, fun, friends, and as much laughter as possible.  To fill the middle section with reports of war, Man’s inhumanity to Man, murders, and mayhem seems a horrid waste of time.  I would sooner fill my days with the demon Rum.  But that’s a report for another day.

          Nurturing news avoidance is a full time job as there are always those who can’t wait to share some vile tidbit they have just come across.  Of course I can’t recommend this lifestyle as it does have its drawbacks.  I am often noticeably quiet at gatherings as others talk about current events, such as they are.

          I have tried many times to abruptly redirect conversations.  Sometimes I’ll inject a humorous twist, hoping to break the dismal chatter.  Other times I approach it using a one-ups-man ship technique, taunting each dreadful story with a tale more hideous than the last, but obviously fabricated.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes I get the skunk-eye, suggesting that if I can’t contribute to the conversation, I should just remain quiet.

          So as you can see, it is not all pastels and Bonbons.   The vantage point I have requires constant tending and tact. 

          My perch is not a unique one for occasionally I’ll encounter another quiet soul at a gathering.  I immediately recognize the facial expression.  It is one of anguish.  A fawn being forced to watch Bambie’s Mother burn up in the cartoon forest fire, over and over again

          So why have I lit upon this branch?  It was never a choice.  It is an internal part of my makeup.  It sits adjacent to my love for all creatures, and next to, but falling a little short of understanding.   

          An odd topic for this blog, but I think one that sheds a modicum of light on Zobostic Corwin.  After all, if you are to read the blathering of a mental flibbertigibbet, it might serve you well to understand the elevation from whence he blathers, and to note that on occasion, he may be a little fogged in. 

Camp Distillery

By the end of summer he had been voted Camp Counselor of 2003.  His name was Jim Beam, although he would answer to J.B., Scooter or Sparky.  This is the fish he mailed back to Wisconsin.  Addressing it was easy, he used a Sharpie; getting the stamp to stay on required a stapler.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Mental Diversions

          To combat the emptiness of existence I have created momentary mental diversions, just personal thoughts that quickly take my mind away from reality and truth long enough to side-step depression.  Not that I’m prone to depression, but I expect anyone spending too much time submersed in reality cannot avoid becoming just a tad down.  The only exception to that, I believe, would be pathological sale people.

          I can share my diversions with you; however, they are based completely upon my personal triggers.  What prompts me to respond or not respond to something is completely different than what might ignite you.  The same goes for what draws me mentally away for a moment could be nothing more than a familiar scent passing by, or a single word suddenly jumping out at me from some obscure rambling.  This in no way suggests that mine is better than yours, just that they are individualized. It is best if you make up your own diversionary thoughts.

          In Beckman’s book, Returning from There, he talks about his personal difficulties in coming back from mental side trips.  Actually, if you read the publisher’s notes you’ll understand the abrupt ending to his work.  He never did make it back from wherever it was he mentally wandered off to; consequently he never finished the book.  This is a very real problem with deep thinkers.  I don’t expect you have anything to worry about.  Nothing personal, it’s just  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Remains to be Seen

What is the purpose of your visit?

I’m on vacation.

How long will you be in the country?

About three weeks.

Has anyone other than yourself handled your luggage?


Care to explain these bones?

OK, here's the thing...   

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Not a Good-Year

If I were really good at telling a story - I would start it by explaining the week leading up to graduation, and then I’d toss in the big surprise of Linda’s parents giving her the car.

On the other hand, I could begin the story at the breakfast table the day after graduation.  And were I to make a movie of the event I would zoom in on the Dad’s face as Linda tries explaining the odd sequence of events.

As it turns out, I’m better at taking pictures than telling stories, so I’ll show you the one where Linda takes her dad to the location of her right, front tire…

Life - as it happens

Many poems are often writ
about the itch
and scratch of it –

I proclaim
the worst itch put
is on the bottom of a foot

attached to leg
the furthest south –

with dentist fingers
in your mouth.


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Slight Cold Front

I’m just wondering why it is you weather people feel compelled to go and stand at the site before you can tell us it rained so much the street flooded.   

Why on Earth do you need to be standing in ankle-deep water and then have the cameraman zoom down at your submerged feet?

When did weather become a contact sport?

Go ahead and stay in the studio, stand in front of the big wall map and point with your finger.

“Here folks, it is raining here and some of the streets are flooded.”

We all just got the same information and you didn’t have to fly a crew out to the site for a 4 second shot.   

Now because you saved all of that money by staying in the studio there is no need to bombard us with 18 more commercials trying to pay for it all.

And here’s a hint, you can do the same thing with snow, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, wild fires, and springtime flowers.   

We all live right here on the same planet, we are well aware there will be thunder storms, so just point to the map if you feel so compelled, and look into the camera and read the cue card. 

“If you’re in Kansas City right now you’re going to want to take cover.”

Don’t send some poor news team out there to be blown around, get soaking wet and then congratulate each other on such a fine reporting job, because it isn’t.

It’s stupid.

OK, I’m done now.


To Indicate...

Fire Drill



Someone’s at the Door

Larry sold another vacuum cleaner

Someone’s on the Phone


End of Round One

The Start of Business

Time to wake  up

The Witch is dead


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

In the Event

Please note

The plaque next to the elevator recommending the stairs in the event of an emergency has not taken into account that a first floor fire could, and most likely will, heat up the metal fire escape.

The heat will not only rise but will radiate up the metal hand rails making it extremely difficult to hold onto.  The farther down those on the upper floors climb the hotter the metal fire escape will feel.

It is recommended by management that those tenants wishing to avoid such discomfort, and possible burns to their hands and feet, take their chance with the elevator.

They figure it’s a 50/50

Thank you

Bits & Pieces

Listed under: Things I never really thought about

            While cooking onions and mushrooms for our burgers I suddenly realized …

            Never mind.  I should let you think of it on your own.  It will mean more to you when you do.   Personally I found it amazing. 


Listed under:  The Old Man and the See

            It has been some time now since my lens implant surgery and I remember being asked several times up front, how do I want them?  Do you want to see clearly far away or close up?  At the time I was absolutely positive I wanted it to be far away.  I wanted to be able to read road signs while traveling at high speeds.  Whenever making a quick get-a-way, one must be able to make split-second decisions.  To that end I wanted to clearly read signs at a distance.

            The problem comes in when doing close-up work, like writing the hold-up note.  It’s always the same thing; have you seen where I put my glasses?  Excuse me, are my glasses over there?  

Listed Under: Chef Notes

            I altered my meatloaf recipe.  As it isn’t dinner time yet, I can’t say if it is a great success or if we’ll be going out for dinner.  The change I made was to add shredded cheese to the mix.  I figured it’s like a cheeseburger, only different.

I’ll let you know as soon as the jury’s back.

All Rise:

The jury was unanimous in suggesting the meatloaf was flavorful but nothing at all like a cheeseburger.  

          That process will not be kept in the recipe files.

Listed under:  Excitement and Fast Thinking

          Close personal friends of ours experienced a close call while dining with their friends.  One person in their party became quite ill and required immediate medical attention. 

         Two people stayed with the downed diner while the fourth overpowered a male waiter, commandeering his tray of plates and directing him to call 911. 

          Acutely aware of her surroundings and the time sensitive events that needed to occur, she quickly continued passing out the dinners to the proper tables, while the waiter made the emergency call.

          Completing the food deliveries and topping off various coffees, she then fled to the driveway, flagging in the ambulance and assisting the paramedics. 

          Everyone here at Blog Headquarters is delighted to hear the fast thinking and smooth responses of all involved led to a positive outcome.  

          Reports from one particular patron indicating he had been given the wrong dinner are still under investigation.  




Saturday, June 7, 2014

How Birds See Themselves

Parks & Wreck

Scott wasn't all that good reading sketches or blueprints so he really couldn't tell us where to put the fence. 

We just ended up sticking it along the edge of the shadow.

It's a little crooked but it looks like it belongs right where it is.


The Beach House

The family reunion was held at the beach house this year.

After all of the usual pleasantries the topic of Larry came up, as he was the only no-show.  Most were hoping he was just late in arriving, but Sam & Linda heard a rumor that involved an encounter he had last month with a nasty seagull.   

When Margret heard this she broke into tears, although you can't really tell from this photo.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Algebra - Geometry & Physics

Against Time & Gravity 


Out of Touch

Which suggests, of course, that not all of my thoughts start at the beginning.  Most, however, do draw to a close at the conclusion.  I have found this to be a good practice as once I am done with a thought – why continue rambling on?  Surely you have better things to do than to be sitting here reading some moron’s gibberish, especially if he or she is babbling on about nothing at all.

But enough about me; let’s talk about you for a moment.  I can see this isn’t your first trip to my blog, but I have also noted that not once have you taken the time to write to me.  What’s up with that?  Have you no comment?  Out of 300 posts nothing as sparked your interest?  Nothing has irked you or caused you to giggle – even just a little?

Either I have lost my touch or you have grown up way too soon.  We all know it’s OK to grow old, but for Pete’s sake nobody has to grow up.  Where is it written that you have to grow up?  See?  Nowhere. 

Oh sure, maybe your older sister snapped at you one day, suggesting you grow up, but that was something just blurted out in the heat of the moment. Let it go, she didn’t really mean it.

If, however, the opposite is true and I have lost my touch then for sure my psyche is in true peril.  Really… Think about it.  This is all I do.  I sit here and write.  I am Zobostic.  This whole thing is called:

 Zobostic Left 2 Write.

How can I possibly keep on writing without being in touch?  Out of touch people wear miss-matched socks; they wear sweaters that are buttoned crooked.  They order the wrong things in restaurants. Does that sound at all like me?  Of course not.  Thank you.

Therefore, consequently and Bob’s your uncle, I have placed my email address on the home page of this blog.  Go ahead and write to me.  By now you realize I’m not out to sell anything; no amazing car wax, or miracle kitchen gadgets.   I have no overhead, no store front, no inventory and no salesman will call.  It’s just me.  So go for it.  Even if it’s just to say, “Greetings from Germany.” or “Hello from Bolivia.”

I’ll wait here.

OK, this concludes this thought.


Please note that this post only applies to you and not to those of you who have written faithfully from the very beginning.  

OK, now for sure, this concludes this thought.