Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Blogs

There's a hidden sadness to blogs.  It is similar to speaking into a well, hearing your own voice, listening to your own opinions, without ever sipping the water.  You know its down there, occasionally an echo pings back to you, but the loneliness remains overwhelming.

So why continue?  Simply put, the drive to write doesn't dissipate with a mood change.  You just change gears and write about that.  You examine the construction of the well; you pull the bucket up and check for holes, then inspect the rope and the crank handle.

As soon as you think this entire exercise was a pathetic waste of time, you also realize you no longer have "The Blogs".

You've been cured; you're a new person, refreshed, revitalized - energized.

That will be $5.00

Thank you







The Spot

It was picture day
but he had gotten a spot
on his new jacket -
Lucky for him the photographer
knew just what to do.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


They both were lazy, and after so many years
of getting on each other's nerves...
They split up.
Each however was too lazy
 to move out.
So they stayed put.
In the settlement she got to keep the air conditioner on her side.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bed Fellows

They gave you support when you needed it most.

It was years later when I met them.  Only a handful of the original crowd was left but all-in-all they weren’t looking too bad for their age.

They were in a wooden box when I saw them, sitting on the edge of an old table in a second-hand shop. 

As I snapped this picture none of them moved a muscle; almost like they’d forgotten how.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Something must have happened

They're at the window table...
over there.

They came in together..
But she looks a little shaken,

if you know what I mean.

Car Shopping

Hold Your Fire

Whenever I see the old cowboys bouncing along on their galloping horses, shooting at the bad guys who themselves are bouncing about, I have to wonder just where all those wild shots are going.

It's hard enough to hit a moving target, but when you also bounce the shooter up and down and sideways... absolutely nothing is in harm's way except maybe the camera man and a few unlucky birds.

It was this thought that started me thinking about efficiency.  Now if I were the Sheriff in charge of keeping the peace, and had to work within a small town budget, the first thing I would do would be to educate my posse.

Lesson #1
No shooting while on your horse.

You are using your own bullets, and not those issued by the State.

Side note:

If you shoot the camera man - you are responsible for finding a replacement.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

On The Surface

This Blog
appears to have
what it takes.
But when you look
a little deeper...
There isn't much
holding it together.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Fog Advisory

Traveler, oh traveler
whose pillow this be
took so long to fluff
yet still un-comf-ee,

Traveler, oh traveler
every room looks the same
every breakfast a muffin
every coffee a name,

To awake in a fog
not the worst thing of all
but late to discover
the loo's down the hall.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Not Guilty

If I could speak in lawyer
what a fancy dance I'd do
I'd twist up all the words you have
and make them sound untrue

I'd make you look so silly
sitting up there on the stand
all while I was painting
My client spic-n-span

Oh if I could speak in lawyer
a Denny Crane I'd be
much sharper than a thumb tack
or Matlock on TV.

You'd never see it coming
my summation with a punch -
and Mr. Prosecutor
have his shorts up in a bunch.

The press would have a field day
while I stood back and scoffed -
even after a confession
he pulled the mattress tag right off.

Z. Corwin

Thursday, June 16, 2016

For Sale

Personal Water Craft
I have added a ladder for easy access
touch-up paint needed here and there
Trailer needs work.

It's just unfortunate that it stinks.

Surprisingly it washed ashore
just rolled in with the tide
I’d love to know from whence it came
its secrets to unhide
Was this some pirate’s treasure
or a trinket from the sea
In either case it’s all mine now
for all whose's here is me
Dare I now to pick it up
or poke it with a stick
 Was it once a creature
who suddenly got sick
or maybe still a genie’s lamp
A rub would do the trick
What be this thing here at my feet
all smelly from the salt
 And should another stranger come
they’ll think it’s all my fault
I should leave – just walk away
pretend that its not here…

But alas - a tiny sound it made

so close I drew my ear

Again a little peep there came

A fizz and then Ker-plop

The thing began to open up

who knew it had a top?

Two steps back there in the sand
a stumble then an awkward land

Now I and it were eye to eye
I held my breath to see -

what was this strange and scary thing
that washed ashore to me


Then suddenly I saw it clear

It was my destiny


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Song in Gray

Today's canvas is being painted in monotones instead of the usual pastels.  It's as if a dismal bleakness stretches across the horizon, subduing even the frog's harmony that greeted us just yesterday.
The paint brush is dry and raspy, laying a dismal annoyance over any potential that may have sprouted.  This, however, is not a portrait of despair but simply an absence.  
The artist has left the room and nature herself now mutes the breeze, slows the rivers and dulls all expectations.
Flannel strings are never plucked or strummed, they are gently woven into small puddles that play throughout the day in your head, until the percussion of sunlight startles the melody and thoughts of a rainy day are suddenly evaporated back into the air.





Permission to Board

I don't know what happened.
One moment I was guarding the ship -
All of a sudden...
A swell hit us broadside
and I'm tangled up in the ropes.

Monday, June 13, 2016

From where stems Art

The Crow with Raven Hair

So gorgeous was this massive crow
the one with Raven hair
to lite upon my balcony
completely unaware -
that seed was spread there at her feet
she didn't seem to care.

Who ARE you? She questioned me
such quantities of seed
to have at your disposal
these things you'll never need?

Her eyebrow raised, her wings on hips
awaiting my reply -
And who are you to question me?
I looked her eye to eye,

Well, I'm the crow, I'm sure you see
with looks beyond compare -
A gorgeous crow before you
and one with raven hair.

Perhaps you are a lovely crow,
though I've not seen you fly -
and not a single seed you've had
I have to question why?

You're here upon my balcony
and question why I feed
feathered friends outside my door?
Because I see a need.

I feed the Jays, and Swallows
The Doves and Robins too -
though even I have not enough
to feed the likes of you.

Your massive size and appetite
would send me to my death -
"Funny you should mention that."
and I drew my final breath.

Death has taken many forms
a spirit in the air -
how cruel to have it come to me
a crow with raven hair.

A talking crow - with attitude
lites on my balcony -
how was I to ever know
that she was there for me?

And who is left to feed the birds
the crackles and the doves
who shall tend the balcony
while I am up above?

And who did choose my time to die
too soon and so unfair -
twas you, a very lovely crow
the one with raven hair.


Riding the Current

Little Known Fact

This famous tree was used to hold off
an attack from Spain, along the northern
coast of Morocco.
A massive rubber-band holding a canon ball
was stretched back 70 feet, until the villagers
pulling it couldn't hold on any longer.
These relentless canon ball attacks were
successful in sinking eight war ships which
helped turned the tide and splash the pirates.

Channel Marker

Saturday, June 11, 2016

It's not done yet

I'm still working on placement.


No rental cars beyond this point.

Here I come to save the day....


Alien craft in the back yard

or reflection of flash while filming a dollhouse?
The truth is out there

Young at Heart

not that young.

Hey! Look at ME.

but keep out.

A Photo Opportunity

Sometimes they don't mind having their
picture taken.
But if you catch them at the wrong time...
They can be a little camera shy.
(The first photo was taken with the duck's permission)

Music of the City

Some enchanted evening...

You may see a stranger...

but no one ever stranger...

Than Benny & the Frets
Thank you.
Thank you very much.


Friday, June 10, 2016

Sorry for my extended absence

It's only yesterday that I found the key
to let myself out.
I should be back to my old self very soon.