Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Unexpected


It is that I shall write about the unexpected.  I will strive to avoid embellishment and exaggeration.  Within the structure of these guidelines I expect little controversy upon discussion, neither should there be gun play, although that in itself would be unexpected.  

Having now brought it up - it is possible I have planted a seed.

  I assure you, that was not my intent.


Okay, I believe I have just accomplished discussing the unexpected.



You're Welcome


Zobostic Corwin


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Unreasonable Doubt


None of them were asked to explain their thinking or to justify their decision.  They simply stated that they were unanimous and quietly filed out of the courtroom and went their separate ways. 

It was, of course, years later when the truth came out about juror #8.   By then it was all too late.  Things had been done based upon the verdict. Lives had been changed, one life ended and society as a whole took a step backward.  The system was indeed flawed and a great change would be made. 

The Governor and his cohorts were indicted along with juror #8.  The city stayed on the front page for longer than was comfortable.  The Feds would be taking a long look at the system and soliciting outside opinions from law professors as to possible changes. Myron Goldstein would head the taskforce.  A panel of 500 citizens, 10 from every state would be allowed to view all meetings on a designated television channel.  The 500 had been selected from a National lottery to ensure randomness.  Their access code to this channel was controlled and monitored 24 hours a day. The President and Congress would be in on the final decision.  The decision as to how the new Constitution of the United States would be written. But even their final vote had to have the majority support from the 500 to pass it into law.

The Goldstein’s, their friends and extended family had been assigned guards 24/7.  Each and every college professor chosen for the task was assigned personal bodyguards and was under constant surveillance. Nothing was left to chance.

Independent agencies were hired to monitor the overall operation and no agency was informed about the other or how many total agencies were involved.  Checks and balances were in place and even those were being monitored.

Of the people, by the people and for the people would no longer be an empty slogan.  Americans First was the new battle cry and Washington D.C. would never again be the same.





 This was a story idea I started several years ago.

I've never done anything with it but I have set it here

to remind me to get back to it some day.



Lost Cat

 My neighbor's cat is missing.

Her name is Butterball.

They are offering a small reward

so please call if you see her.


Thank you

Sunday, October 25, 2020

It is never the things you can see

 that get you.

By affixing my electronic signature to this document
I hereby state that all true things are true, albeit only
true within the realm of Earthly and social construct,
as it applies to this time and this language.
Void where prohibited.

Your truth may vary.



Friday, October 23, 2020

In my opinion...


If you are going to write a book

for children -

you should leave out the

sinister, mean spirited and nasty.

They will have plenty of time to learn about

those things in grade school.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

When Pigs Fly


This is not as easy as it looks.

We have the technology

 The next time I have to visit the dentist,

when they sit me in that expensive

dentist chair and lean me back,

I'd like to see blue sky and white, wispy clouds

passing overhead.

Not just old, dirty ceiling tiles
and a light fixture full of dead bugs.

Wouldn't that be better?

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Possibly the LAST thing

 you want to think about

when flying...

is landing in the water.

Thanks Sky Mall

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Rare Hardcover Paperback

 Solar Tubes

Chapter 1

If you came in the side door the first thing you would notice would be the bouquet of hiking boots piled by the stairs.  Unfortunately, they are not fresh boots but rather well experienced, worn and sweat-soaked.  It is a memorable fragrance all its own.  The walking stick next to the boots has no scent to speak of.

None of that, however, has anything to do with the solar tube.  The solar tube is a hollow shaft that runs from the rooftop, down to the ceiling of the kitchen.  It is designed to let natural sunlight flood into the room.

Because of Murphy’s Law, it isn’t just sunlight finding its way into the tube, but as it turns out, the hollow tube also functions as an express elevator, carrying hundreds of small insect bodies down to the glass cover at the ceiling. 

As the sun finds its way in and lights up the glass, this bug graveyard becomes illuminated for all to see.  Really, there are more bugs than you can shake a stick at.  Even a scent free stick.

However, to be fair, this story must be told through the point of view of the insect, for it is their final resting place.  Like the sacred burial ground of the Native American, without an act of congress, and the proper forms, this solar tube must never be disturbed.  

Ancient insect spirits, have a hard way to go during their life and get nothing but the shaft in the end, usually from a misinformed insect cemetery salesman – who, when questioned about the best place to end up says, “I’ll put some feelers out.”

Well, although the bug spirits are quiet and show no desire to expand their territory, this solar tube is not an appropriate view to be presented to the dinner guests below.

Thus, The Solar Tube Treaty of 2020 is now before Congress.  If passed, homeowners, as well as long-term renters will be allowed to exhume these insect remains with approved government vacuum cleaners, which should give these tiny spirits their final comfort.






 Note:  This is not a work of fiction.

Solar Tubes are real, only

The Rare Hardcover Paperback is not.










Friday, October 16, 2020

What they don't tell you...


Yes, this magic putty will stop a leak.

Sure, it dries hard as cement,

but if you ever want to turn the handle again...

you'll be calling a plumber.

Okay, so maybe I could have been a little

more neat when applying the putty.

Other Options


You could have just tossed it out,
I would have never known.

You could have let me go through the rest of my
life thinking that you received it, read it and enjoyed
my letter.  

My enjoyment would have lasted forever.  Every now and then, even years down the road I could have imagined you looking
back over your mail and coming across my letter,
and reading it once again.  

If you couldn't be bothered, all you had to do
was throw it away.
I would have never known.

But you chose a different option.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What - me worry?


In my dream I am sitting in a waiting room.  Nobody else is around but I can hear very faint mumbling off in the distance.  There is no way to tell who is talking or what they are saying.  I just know I am supposed to wait.

Having been around the block before, I know the longer I sit the more my thoughts will conjure up all sorts of things.  I simply need to ignore them and wait quietly.

I should mention that I am not wearing a watch, I never do.  There are no clocks in the room and I did not bring my cell phone.  A magazine or two would be nice but there is nothing.  There are no paintings on the walls but across from me is a statue.  It is a bust of some guy, not sure who, but apparently someone who was worthy of a statue.

The more I look at it the more I realize the expression on the face of the statue is not a serious look but its more of a smirk. I don’t believe I have ever seen a smirking bust before.  It is quite odd.  It seems less of a Teddy Roosevelt and more an Alfred E. Newman, but just off somehow.  I want to look away, but I keep being drawn back to it.  Now I truly am curious as to just who it is.  Did they have to wait?

Is this some sort of test?  Does everyone who looks at the bust see something different?  Just what is the significance of this thing?  I’ve decided I don’t like it.  The fact that I have to wait while someone smirks at me, well that’s just wrong.

I can’t let myself get agitated.  My thoughts, as I knew they would, are running wild.  I have focused on the only other thing in the room and have become obsessed by it.  I need to calm down.

I don’t hear the distant mumbling anymore.  Now its too quiet.  My heartbeat has become noticeable to me.  That can’t be good.  I need to think about something else.  What can I think about?

I have this desk lamp at home.  It is mostly metal, but with a crystal globe in the middle.  There are four people, of sorts, holding up the glass part.  Each person is only a stick-figure, but they have a face.  Each one is looking in a different direction, kind of a north, south, east, west deal.  Perhaps they were meant to be guardians.  I can’t really place a region on the thing.  I mean, it looks a little Egyptian but then again not so much.

I’m not really sure I have ever noticed the faces on the stick figures before.  I obviously noticed the crystal globe in the middle.  It is cut glass and looks more elegant than the worn brass supporting it.  That’s good.  As long as I am thinking about the lamp I am not looking into that smirk across the room.

Now the voices are back, but this time they sound closer.  Maybe it’s my turn.  Maybe they are coming for me, walking down some hall, getting closer, talking about their weekend.  I am straining to hear.  What?  Whose party?  I couldn’t quite hear that.

“Welcome back.  Did you have a nice rest?  The procedure went smoothly, there were no complications.  You’re in recovery right now.  Do you have anyone in the waiting room?  Did somebody drive you here?”


“Looks like he’s drifted off again.”




Monday, October 12, 2020

Home Sweet Home


I understand humble beginnings.

I know, you buy what you can afford.

I realize not everyone can live in a palace.

What I can't figure out is

why the lock on the door is on the outside.

An Unlikely Pair


Just recently I stumbled upon an odd combination that you wouldn’t ordinarily think went together.  It was time and punctuation.  Maybe, had I been on the surface of the moon or anywhere away from Earth’s gravitational effects, they may have blended differently, or not at all.  I’m not sure.

This combination, of time and punctuation generated a responsive balance of thought, whereby sleep seemed to advance movement, while individual thought stopped time cold.  Not only that, but this was a repeatable event.  I did it three different times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke.  It wasn’t.

During those periods when time ceased to exist, the affected zone appeared to encompass only myself and my awareness of my immediate surroundings.  I'm not sure how to better explain that.

Imagine, if you will, a wind-up toy whose spring contains sporadically placed commas.  The action toy will advance through its programed movements, with those movements being interrupted by voids in its reality.  Now do you see?

This is a discovery of epic proportions, with a usefulness yet to be realized. 

I can see a Pulitzer in my future.

This is Z. Corwin

I think I should go and lie down for a while -

the unlikely pair I refer to is myself with a Pulitzer.




Three Grannies


My washing machine was made by LG.  It is the Houdini model, and it works great.

I have these sweatpants that have a drawstring around the waist.  I keep three, count em’ three granny knots in the string.  They are pulled tight and never slip.

Here’s the thing, whenever I take these pants out of the wash, the drawstring is completely untied.  Each and every time, as if by magic.



There isn’t an Untie setting on the machine.  That’s the first thing I checked.


Saturday, October 10, 2020


 Hershey Bars

when I was young

were big 

and cost a dime,

One would last you

through the show

munching double time -

The story's different


our movies not so dapper -

and 50 cents for Hershey Bars

while most of that is wrapper,

My sweet tooth's suffered

these last few years,

as I here now recall-it,

and not just tooth

that's  felt the strain

but the stuffing 

in my wallet.


The Pain of the $10.00 Window

 Under thundering hooves

spattering divots


to the fact,

Jay Hopkins - long past due

has lost his rent

and groceries -

under thundering hooves.


The Old Barn


Atop the falling barn

squeaks an arrow-

turning painfully with the wind

perhaps yelling

at the rusty, bent nails

who never cared which direction they pointed,

and who are now

in their old age –

finding it hard to support

the gravity beckoned planks.

There – in a unison of cries


bursting dust

 a stabbing reunion

between a now silent arrow

and a long awaited rooster

turned to rust.







Space Available



Year Book 2020


Friday, October 9, 2020


He had the heebie-jeebies

he was a sight to see

way over there, across the room

was still too close to me,


His Mother wouldn’t hug him

His Dad said, “Sleep outside”

The bus, it wouldn’t take him

His friends would always hide,


He had the heebie-jeebies

perhaps a Cootie too –

The Doctors, they would speculate

But didn’t have a clue,


And then one day it happened

A girl moved into town

Her hair was long and golden

Her eyes were lovely brown,


She had the voice of angles

Her step was light as air –

About the heebie-jeebies

She didn’t seem to care,


She smiled when she walked with him

They’d laugh and giggle too –

I even saw them holding hands

Hee-bee, she were two,


At the top of June they married

They bought the Miller place

Planted flower – sat outside

With smiles on their face,


Come March we heard a rumor

Of a little Cootie due –

Twood be a sight, twood cry all night

The Hee-bee, she and Boo,


The town was in an uproar

No gossip left unspoken –

We’ve been polite throughout this plight

Because we had our token,


But another living here in town

Might cave our value in –

much adieu, what would we do

If Hee-bee, she had Twins?


Well sure enough it happened

A set of lovely girls

Golden locks and Lambchop socks

Pink dresses, lace and curls,


The strangest thing – the Hee-Bees packed

living here will never do

They up and left the Miller place

They left to start anew,


He had the Heebie-jeebies  

Perhaps a Cootie too

And never cared for other folks

And all the things they do,


So let this be a lesson

If small town charms for you,

Don’t ever buy the Miller place

You could get Heebees too.















Lies, Promises and a 42 Buick

 The rusted frame was hid with paint

the pitted chrome did gleam,

the leather seats were Naugahyde

that burst at every seam,

A rumble and a cloud of smoke

the salesman turned the key -

Papa took a look at Mom

Momma looked at me,

The salesman wouldn't toot the horn

something about the wires -

Momma slowly walked away

Papa kicked the tires,

"I've got a fellow coming back

to buy this car no doubt."

papa only gave a grunt

and pulled the ashtray out,

Can you Sir put something down -

or have you got a trade?

I still remember to this day

the smile Papa made.



 A tiny nest of excuses

I found when at the Who's

I quickly snatched

and hid them

up my sleeves and

in my shoes,

I don't think

that no one saw me

as I hurried

back to when,

I took them home

and fed them

and built a wire pen,

I've had excuses

ever since,

and some have grown

so hairy - 

I keep them now

in circus tents

and some

I have to carry,

I feed them lies

and twisted tales -

throughout their life's


and from wooden troughs

it never fails

they sip 



Rule #1

 There came to me

an inspiration -

two Saturdays ago,

Crazed with hungry

desperation -

and nowhere else to go,

I took him in

and fed him well

two Saturdays ago

and wasn't till

this Tuesday past

that he was fit to show,

I bathed and combed 

and spruced him up -

and took away his frown,

but lost this silly


cuz I didn't write it down.


The Wind

 Gusting down the canyon sides

across the striking lizard's tongue

it came and went

as armies

loosing tent pegs

then skipping up the mountain,

Escaping to shift the footloose desert

and be ribbonized by cactus

we turn to curse it

but it is times away

nestled behind a sail.




 The weeds to bed

we fold and lay

within the space of night -

awake we lie

on backs to see

a ship streak past our sight -

Yet all we find

throughout the dark

are twinkles, faint and bright

and know the dew

that sprinkles us

when morning snaps the light.


Z. Corwin

 I'd given thought

to what I'd be

if I could climb 

outside of me

and then look back

from where I came

I wonder -

would I be the same?

Well I did escape

I did get out

I walked away

then turned about

and laughed

how foolish I could be

for all I saw

was home to me.



 There are many doors

at the end of life

from which one must be chosen -

To lay beneath

to burn atop

or simply just be frozen -

Well adventurous me

chose door number three

with good-byes to Monty and Mom -

and life for me

that is, what you see

has been peaceful, cool and calm -

I cannot see

so I don't look,

Can't hear

so I don't listen -

I simply think I'm in the pink

with an icy kind of glisten -

and for those of you

I left behind,

I say without a doubt

every time you close the door

the light - it does go out.
