Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What - me worry?


In my dream I am sitting in a waiting room.  Nobody else is around but I can hear very faint mumbling off in the distance.  There is no way to tell who is talking or what they are saying.  I just know I am supposed to wait.

Having been around the block before, I know the longer I sit the more my thoughts will conjure up all sorts of things.  I simply need to ignore them and wait quietly.

I should mention that I am not wearing a watch, I never do.  There are no clocks in the room and I did not bring my cell phone.  A magazine or two would be nice but there is nothing.  There are no paintings on the walls but across from me is a statue.  It is a bust of some guy, not sure who, but apparently someone who was worthy of a statue.

The more I look at it the more I realize the expression on the face of the statue is not a serious look but its more of a smirk. I don’t believe I have ever seen a smirking bust before.  It is quite odd.  It seems less of a Teddy Roosevelt and more an Alfred E. Newman, but just off somehow.  I want to look away, but I keep being drawn back to it.  Now I truly am curious as to just who it is.  Did they have to wait?

Is this some sort of test?  Does everyone who looks at the bust see something different?  Just what is the significance of this thing?  I’ve decided I don’t like it.  The fact that I have to wait while someone smirks at me, well that’s just wrong.

I can’t let myself get agitated.  My thoughts, as I knew they would, are running wild.  I have focused on the only other thing in the room and have become obsessed by it.  I need to calm down.

I don’t hear the distant mumbling anymore.  Now its too quiet.  My heartbeat has become noticeable to me.  That can’t be good.  I need to think about something else.  What can I think about?

I have this desk lamp at home.  It is mostly metal, but with a crystal globe in the middle.  There are four people, of sorts, holding up the glass part.  Each person is only a stick-figure, but they have a face.  Each one is looking in a different direction, kind of a north, south, east, west deal.  Perhaps they were meant to be guardians.  I can’t really place a region on the thing.  I mean, it looks a little Egyptian but then again not so much.

I’m not really sure I have ever noticed the faces on the stick figures before.  I obviously noticed the crystal globe in the middle.  It is cut glass and looks more elegant than the worn brass supporting it.  That’s good.  As long as I am thinking about the lamp I am not looking into that smirk across the room.

Now the voices are back, but this time they sound closer.  Maybe it’s my turn.  Maybe they are coming for me, walking down some hall, getting closer, talking about their weekend.  I am straining to hear.  What?  Whose party?  I couldn’t quite hear that.

“Welcome back.  Did you have a nice rest?  The procedure went smoothly, there were no complications.  You’re in recovery right now.  Do you have anyone in the waiting room?  Did somebody drive you here?”


“Looks like he’s drifted off again.”




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