Monday, October 12, 2020

An Unlikely Pair


Just recently I stumbled upon an odd combination that you wouldn’t ordinarily think went together.  It was time and punctuation.  Maybe, had I been on the surface of the moon or anywhere away from Earth’s gravitational effects, they may have blended differently, or not at all.  I’m not sure.

This combination, of time and punctuation generated a responsive balance of thought, whereby sleep seemed to advance movement, while individual thought stopped time cold.  Not only that, but this was a repeatable event.  I did it three different times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke.  It wasn’t.

During those periods when time ceased to exist, the affected zone appeared to encompass only myself and my awareness of my immediate surroundings.  I'm not sure how to better explain that.

Imagine, if you will, a wind-up toy whose spring contains sporadically placed commas.  The action toy will advance through its programed movements, with those movements being interrupted by voids in its reality.  Now do you see?

This is a discovery of epic proportions, with a usefulness yet to be realized. 

I can see a Pulitzer in my future.

This is Z. Corwin

I think I should go and lie down for a while -

the unlikely pair I refer to is myself with a Pulitzer.




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