Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hold Your Fire

Whenever I see the old cowboys bouncing along on their galloping horses, shooting at the bad guys who themselves are bouncing about, I have to wonder just where all those wild shots are going.

It's hard enough to hit a moving target, but when you also bounce the shooter up and down and sideways... absolutely nothing is in harm's way except maybe the camera man and a few unlucky birds.

It was this thought that started me thinking about efficiency.  Now if I were the Sheriff in charge of keeping the peace, and had to work within a small town budget, the first thing I would do would be to educate my posse.

Lesson #1
No shooting while on your horse.

You are using your own bullets, and not those issued by the State.

Side note:

If you shoot the camera man - you are responsible for finding a replacement.

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