Monday, June 20, 2016

Not Guilty

If I could speak in lawyer
what a fancy dance I'd do
I'd twist up all the words you have
and make them sound untrue

I'd make you look so silly
sitting up there on the stand
all while I was painting
My client spic-n-span

Oh if I could speak in lawyer
a Denny Crane I'd be
much sharper than a thumb tack
or Matlock on TV.

You'd never see it coming
my summation with a punch -
and Mr. Prosecutor
have his shorts up in a bunch.

The press would have a field day
while I stood back and scoffed -
even after a confession
he pulled the mattress tag right off.

Z. Corwin

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Our HOA just contacted a lawyer-
About a conflict with parking spaces.
He drew up a letter with statements and facts,
Covering all the bases!

One cannot help but think,
If talking neighbor to neighbor -
Would work out much better than,
Paying for Attorney Labor!