Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Mental Diversions

          To combat the emptiness of existence I have created momentary mental diversions, just personal thoughts that quickly take my mind away from reality and truth long enough to side-step depression.  Not that I’m prone to depression, but I expect anyone spending too much time submersed in reality cannot avoid becoming just a tad down.  The only exception to that, I believe, would be pathological sale people.

          I can share my diversions with you; however, they are based completely upon my personal triggers.  What prompts me to respond or not respond to something is completely different than what might ignite you.  The same goes for what draws me mentally away for a moment could be nothing more than a familiar scent passing by, or a single word suddenly jumping out at me from some obscure rambling.  This in no way suggests that mine is better than yours, just that they are individualized. It is best if you make up your own diversionary thoughts.

          In Beckman’s book, Returning from There, he talks about his personal difficulties in coming back from mental side trips.  Actually, if you read the publisher’s notes you’ll understand the abrupt ending to his work.  He never did make it back from wherever it was he mentally wandered off to; consequently he never finished the book.  This is a very real problem with deep thinkers.  I don’t expect you have anything to worry about.  Nothing personal, it’s just  

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