Saturday, August 24, 2024

This call may be monitored

 but it won't be.  If we really cared about quality we would have had an actual person speaking with you now instead of this recording.  Do you really think we are going to pay someone to listen to this gibberish?  I don't think so.

It's far cheaper for us to pay a one time fee for this recording, than it would be to put an actual quality control system in place.  Get real, people.  Quality, like service is a thing of the past.

I take that back.  There is poor quality and bad service.  That's why they sell extended warrantees.  They are well aware their stuff is going to fail, so you either pay them when it breaks, or pay them ahead of time.  Either way, you lose. 


This post is not the opinion of
Zobostic Corwin, but simply the
ramblings of a disgruntled consumer. 
We here, at Blog City, take a dim view
of whiners.  Not that we would call anyone
a whiner.  Name calling is not the policy here
at Blog City.
Just consider the source folks.

  The guy's a whiner. 

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Actually, that guy speaks the truth when you take a moment to actually think about it!