Friday, August 9, 2024

Not so much an obsession as a propensity


        You know how when you are walking down the supermarket aisle and every item on every shelf is turned just right, so the label is facing you?  I tend to make sure the things in my medicine cabinet are the same way.  Not only that, but every dollar in my wallet faces the same way, and the ones are with the ones, fives with the fives, and so on.  There’s simply an order to everything.

        This brings us to real life.  As it turns out, real life isn’t like that at all.  Just walking through the woods the other day, I noticed pecan trees growing right next to walnut trees, and almond trees in with a stand of pistachio.  I held several samples in my hand, and when I looked at them, I thought – this is nuts.

        But the more I thought about it, I began to realize that Mother Nature does just fine.  For the most part she has all the waves in the ocean facing the same way.  She never places sunrise and sunset together.  In fact, she really is quite organized.  She holds gravity at a constant, keeps the sea breeze away from the desert, and pretty much keeps crows with crows, and eagles with eagles.

        So maybe I’m not so obsessive after all.



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