Sunday, August 25, 2024

Odd Jobs


As the massive freighter made its way through the water there were hundreds of metal flakes falling off the sides of the ship.  If you were close enough it appeared as though it were raining.   Nobody seemed concerned but me, then again, this entire activity was new to me.  Everyone else must have seen it all before.

It was the job of the mail boat to deliver the week’s mail to the freighter as it passed.  Compared to the passing ship, the mail boat was tiny.  The captain had to know what he was doing, or his little mail boat would get sucked under the freighter as it moved.  It had happened before.

I noticed two things.  Besides the mail, pizzas were also hoisted up the rope, and everyone on the small mail boat had on hats and safety glasses.  This had to be because of the shower of falling metal flakes landing on them.

When I think of the post office delivering letters, I had no idea this was part of the job.  Yikes!


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