Thursday, August 29, 2024



    For many years I kept this photograph hanging on the fridge.  It is a picture of my friend and his new puppy, Inky.  He lived on the opposite side of the block from us and was the first person to come over to see if the new family that had moved in had any kids his age.  They did, it was me.  We were instant buds.  We played every day, went to school together and eventually graduated together.  We were two peas in a pod.

        After school, I joined the Air Force, and he went into the Marines.  I keep this picture because I like to remember him at this age.  The age we had the most fun.  We didn’t know much but that was okay.   Life then wasn’t about fighting wars, or following orders, it was simple.  The order of the day was – have fun.

        This picture helps to keep away the image of a headstone, sitting lonely on a quiet hillside.  It helps me to keep one foot in the past, even though the past had bad dad haircuts and sharp puppy teeth.  It was all good.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Great Picture and Awesome Memory!!