Saturday, August 10, 2024



        When Mankind decided to form communities, share resources and live by agreed upon rules, one of the tiny details discussed was the proper length grass should be.

    Front lawns needed to be trimmed, neat and with as few lawn ornaments as possible.

        Of course, prior to all of this taking place, a common language needed to be agreed upon.  Basic words were established, phrases were created and became acceptable, or discarded, depending upon the majority.   

        While all of this was taking place, disease and sickness was rampant.  People living close to each other seemed to facilitate the spread of germs.  Unbeknownst to some, a select group was tasked with addressing the issue of finding cures.  They were divided into smaller groups known as scientists and doctors.  The scientist came up with the cures, while the doctors administered them.

    Meanwhile, it was noted that these various groups needed a more advanced language.  They had specialized activities and the things they came up with had to be communicated to the masses, in a way everyone could understand.

        Whenever someone’s lawn became infested with weeds or unsightly in any way, people assumed it had a disease and needed to be cured.  At that time, things either eventually fixed itself or someone from the scientific group applied a potion.  Those were the two choices, either Nature corrected itself, or Mankind stepped in, which is where the word manicured came from.

        Next week I'll tell you how the word, bamboozled came about.




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