Monday, January 3, 2022

Dear Hot Feet Sock Company

I am not an employee, but if I were, and if you had an employee suggestion program, I would suggest that you add a second layer to your sock bottoms.

I haven’t done the actual math on this, but I’m thinking it would double the lifespan of your socks.

The foundation behind my suggestion is from an actual life experience. 

(see figure 1  –  then later figure 2)


These Hot Foot Socks were purchased for my wife not that long ago.  They underwent normal ware.  All usage was indoors, on either carpet, tile or hardwood floors.  Often times it was a combination of those surfaces, but never outside on highway or city streets.

Please note that her feet are a normal configuration, the proper size and weight. 

We believe your Hot Feet footwear should last longer than the short, happy life that these Hot Socks experienced.  A second bottom layer would help to achieve this.


Thank you for listening.


Not an employee.

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