Saturday, January 9, 2021

...and now they're gone.


First thing, before the day’s thoughts erase all traces of last night’s dream, I came in here to write them down.  It all dealt with random verses intermittent.  Apparently, I was involved in a debate with myself and was examining all sorts of sporadic intervals, timed or otherwise, but to what end I’m not sure.

At this point all I can recall is that some value of hectic came into the equation, which somehow derailed my original comparisons.  Language muddied the waters, as it always seems to do, and before I could better define…   

And there is where the day’s thoughts removed all remaining traces of whatever it was I had been struggling with.

If daytime and night-time were genes, I’m thinking daytime genes would be the dominant ones, but that’s a topic for another time.  

I'm thinking that entire dream was totally random, and yet, somehow I feel I've had that discussion before.  I guess this whole dream thing could just be an intermittent, recurring interval, moderated by...

and it's gone again.


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