Friday, November 15, 2019

Harmonic Facilitators

There can be no harmonic facilitators within an isolation-grouping factor of 6.  

As basic as this seems it is often this foundation that is overlooked when establishing a parametric gram chart.

Example:  There are 30 pieces of chocolate in a candy dish.  Mary sits across the room from the dish watching a daytime soap on TV.  

The room is the waiting room of a local practitioner. Enter one stressed housewife toting 3 small nose minors.

Is the practitioner a:

1.                Doctor?
2.               Dentist?
3.               Lawyer?
4.               Counselor?
5.               BMW Mechanic?

Those of you who have worked parametric gram charts before already know that the candy dish is green.  The rest of you have been bogged down with semantics.  The term, Housewife, snagged several of you while Nose Minors captured the rest. 

I submit the follow exercise.  Do this on your own time.  Do not cheat and work the problem in division multiples of Z by 41.

Nancy lives on a rectangular property.  Her bathroom window faces the west side of her neighbor’s garden.  There are more tomato plants than onion, why?

This post was to show you how lost I felt all through high school.

Which is why the school had bars on the windows
and took our belts and shoes every morning.

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