Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hard to do without fingers

I would have to think that paradise is different for everyone.  As our likes and dislikes vary - so must our conception of the ideal.  Following this line of thinking brings me to my particular concept of Heaven.   

For me, Heaven isn't a place that exist somewhere up in the clouds but rather lives as an entity within our spirit.  Perhaps it is our spirit.

It isn't somewhere to go once we stop living this life.  It is Life itself but without the physical attributes.  Heaven triggers a feeling of calm within us.  It is that spark of mental reassurance when we are standing in the midst of indecision.  

One can often glimpse a bit of Heaven in the eyes of another.  Friend or stranger matters not, the spirit transcends boundaries, borders and languages.  It permeates our soul, bringing us to awareness beyond reason.  

Bits of Heaven can be transmitted through a smile or a touch.  It travels freely through memory like the pleasant fragrance of home cooking, the vision of a playful puppy or hearing the giggle of a child.  It flows to the surface at the sound of distant church bells and it warms us when winter winds bite.

My concept of Heaven is that we eventually become one with this spirit, to travel freely from smile to smile, to glide in and out of hearts, leaving hope and love in our wake. 

We join the universal awareness that finds no star too distant, nor any moment uninviting.   Free to circle those we have left behind with warm memories that they not grieve our passing but smile at a moment once shared. 

I believe we simply blend with the Human Spirit, picking up small bits of love and hope as we go and depositing them with those in need.

I don't believe that we float about wearing halos while we spend an eternity trying to learn the harp. 


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