Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Action Figures

We have been action figures this past week.  Our arms and legs have been in constant motion, while we jumped in and out of our little action figure car.  We zoomed here and zoomed there, turning our heads from side to side and munching up little action figure meals.

Now we must climb back into the box and sit quietly while our batteries try to recuperate from the over charging we did at the action mall.

It isn’t often we get to see both ends of the rainbow at the same time but yesterday we stopped in to visit with a friend who had to spend their week laying on their back, staring up at the ceiling of a hospital room.  

For what seems to be a lack of imagination, they don’t hang artwork on ceilings.  There are no Goyas, or Grant Woods.  No funny photographs or still-lifes.   There is just a simple narrow gauge track running in a loop, where trains of curtains are drawn whenever they want your view to change from the ceiling to some other non-creative direction.

We ended up in a house filled to capacity with other laughing, smiling action figures.  We all talked about our lives and our plans and on every wall; no matter where we looked there was art.  

There were paintings with brilliant colors in bold frames; there were photographs of family members who had long since lost their “Action” status.  There was hugging and hand shaking and promises of fun in summers to come.

Now that I am resting and recharging back in my box I ponder the possibilities of rainbows without the rain.  I try to imagine hospital room ceilings painted with fields of colorful lilies or even empty frames where one might bring in pictures of their own loving action figures. 

Pulling both ends of the rainbow closer together isn’t easy but if enough action figures got together - who knows? 


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