Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fetch Mode

It is a cumbersome situation, carrying these fragmented thoughts around for an entire lifetime.  You see only the discarded babblings tossed out every now and then, while I remain tasked with storage of everything else.   These posts are set out at the curb awaiting your pick-up service and unbeknownst to you, more gibberish immediately fills the void in my head where previous posts had been. 

          Although I refer to it as cumbersome, I suppose if nothing took the place of these babblings, eventually my head would be entirely empty, causing me of course to enter politics.  So I take it as a bit of good fortune that I’m continually contemplating the frayed edges of old conversations, the casual and distorted reflections noticed momentarily within brass doorknobs and that small trace of lint clinging to the tip of the cat’s whisker.  What has he gotten into now?

 Dare I suggest that some seemingly insignificant observation be carried along my stream of consciousness, until it washes up at your feet, sparking you to an enlightenment of grand proportions?  It could happen.

  Should you one-day find yourself contemplating a small wad of gum clinging to some freeway guardrail as you sit in rush hour traffic, allow yourself to imagine the chewer, their hurried life, their inappropriate behavior, or the environmental impact this discarded gum could ultimately have, and you will have glimpsed a modicum of my mental existence. 

          It does not stop there, however, for now that gum has been logged, filed and woven into a mental retrieval system like no other.  Years from now, perhaps in some remote, little village, I shall witness, what other’s might consider, a simple vehicle mishap.  As I motor past, I will wonder if the driver at fault, in his or her attempt to discard their chewing gum, inadvertently wandered into the on-coming lane, causing the approaching motor scooter to swerve, striking the pedestrian, whose spewing bag of avocados set the small, white poodle into fetch mode. 

          Trust me, things only get worse from there.

          The following winter's frigid temperatures caused the wad of gum to fall from the guardrail and roll into the path of a Goodyear 75/R14, doing 68 Km per hr. 

          Partially wedging itself between the treads, an almost imperceptible clicking noise was made with each tire revolution, sounding much like frozen gum striking pavement.   The easily distracted driver rolled down the window to better understand the origin of this annoyance.  Leaning out slightly and listening, the driver became unaware that their vehicle was drifting towards the guardrail.  

          The Good Samaritan following behind felt obliged to honk vigorously, warning of the impending collision.  Unfortunately, it was the vibrating echoes of the honking that brought an avalanche of snow down to completely cover the road, as well as both drivers.

          Reports of the rescue attempts appeared on television throughout the following couple days.   Lyle Zurbach, of Channel 6 News was giving one of his dramatic accounts of the cold and tired rescue workers, when the camera operator filming him happened to notice one of the rescuers in the background of the shot chewing gum.

          Suddenly conscious of being in the shot, the gum chewing rescue worker spit the gum into his mitten and flung it.  The camera operator, having spent all summer filming the local golf tournament, instinctively followed the flying gum as if it were a golf ball.

          Viewers at home were quite entertained watching the small bit of chewing gum fly through the air followed closely by a mitten, and hearing Lyle’s voice saying, “What are you doing?  What are you looking at?” 

 I'm sure you can see now - it only gets worse.


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