Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Final Exam


1.               In his poem, My Bathroom Sink, Mr. Corwin suggests an awareness which lacks obvious common sense, yet he eludes to a behavior reminiscent of playful impulsiveness.  Based on Plato's model of "Insightful Extraction", what color is the sink?


2.               Written in his later years, Zobostic reports on the World of patient care.  In his poem, Nurses, we find a massive gap between potential and kinetic with an individual immersed in the nest of attention yet left in the void of thought.  Based on the technology of the time, what color are the Nurse's shoes?


3.               George Orwell's 1984 spoke of "Big Brother".  In his poem, Bug de Jour, Zobostic has portrayed the homeless and destitute as main characters in a setting that leaves population control in the hands of a volatile conservationist.   His message of sending food, supplies and small wind-up toys to third World countries seems to lack the necessary foil to spark such an undertaking.

How would e.e.  cummings address this issue with respect to Corwin's use of the word "Squeak"?  Give 3 examples.


4.      Zobostic's poem, Two Horses, is said to be a commentary on the physical and spiritual imprint left upon the human heart by true love.  Surpassing the bounds of death itself, this imprint survives the soul and beyond any comprehension of Man once again meets with its intended mate.  Knowing what you now know and based on the knowledge that you may acquire in the future, what color is the horse facing East?



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