Saturday, May 28, 2022

This Stinks


I enjoy watching the large, white birds fly majestically over the lake.  They make it look as if they’ve never studied aerodynamics, lift or drag.  How is it they make flight appear as though they do it without even thinking?  Surely, they have mastered gravity, something Mankind fails at on a daily basis.  Why we’re at the top of the food chain I’ll never know.

We’re calling this one Saturday.  We do that.  We name things.  Did you ever notice how a baby holds tight to its blanket, a small child will never let go of its stuffed animal and old folks cling tight to their religion.  Everyone wants to hold onto something.  Office types and factory workers hang on to weekends.  It is what gets them through the week.

What, you may ask, does any of this have to do with flying?  Well, hold on and I’ll tell you.  Majestic, white birds hold on to nothing.  They push off with their legs, stretch out their wings and off they go.  They never look back.  They don’t carry anything with them.  They have no purse, no wallet, no bag of groceries.  It’s just their wings and the sky.  No possessions, no security blanket, no college degree, just the air and the hope of catching a fish.  Hey, birds gotta eat.

Which brings me to the point of all this.  What’s in it for the fish?  This doesn’t really seem fair somehow.  The poor fish, just swimming along, minding its own business, when who should be passing overhead but some lazy bird, who never went to flight school, can’t carry a purse or a tune and suddenly swoops down and snatches up the unsuspecting fish.  If you ask me, this whole thing stinks.

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