Sunday, May 1, 2022

The Temp Job


          It’s good that there are reminders, as I tend to forget that this is just a temp job.  I was put here, given one lifetime, free will and all too soon, I’ll be back at that timeclock, reaching for the card with my name on it.

          Our employee reviews are self-administered.  It is our memory that shows how many we helped along the way, as well as the things we thought we had gotten away with.  This self-review process keeps the system from clogging up and eliminates excuses and long lines.

          We’re not always crazy about the reminders, like failing vision, difficult knees, and just worn-out joints.  We’re not made to last.  Never were.  We are given what we need.  We’ve seen those who were given talent, and those who clocked-in with the gift of gab.  Each of us is different and uses what we were given in different ways.

          Me?  I was given stall tactics.  Just like the Arabian Nights, telling a different story each night, putting off death by keeping the spirit at the timeclock entertained, on the edge of their seat, hoping they forget about my timecard sticking out of the rack.


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