Sunday, May 1, 2022

A Prize in Every Box


I remember it being small and inside a sealed envelope.  Even though it was just a small, plastic toy in the bottom of a cereal box, it was exciting.  It wasn’t a birthday, it wasn’t Christmas, it was just breakfast, and yet here was a present.   How clever – those cereal people.  When advertising the crunch didn’t work, or the sugar coating failed to achieve success, they stuck in a toy.  Red, plastic, maybe an action figure or a cartoon character.   It didn’t matter.  It could have been a diagram of a sneeze and we would have been happy.  It was a prize.

Being now in my 70’s, the excitement of breakfast seems to blend into thoughts of lunch, followed by conversations of "What’s for dinner?"  Thoughts of a prize have faded into the tangle of childhood memories.  The excitement is gone.  The cereal box holds only a list of ingredients, like sugars, carbs, and chemicals you wouldn’t think should be consumed.  No surprise there.

I did see a gentleman bent over, fishing around in a casket at the funeral home yesterday.  I wondered if he was hiding a prize inside.  Wouldn’t that be a hoot?



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