Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Influenced by YOU-



For way too long yesterday, I watched car crashes on YouTube.  Really bad drivers surrounded by very stupid people, crashing through intersections, becoming airborne, flipping over and over again.  It was mesmerizing.  Guys on motorcycles smashing head-on, as if they had been driving with their eyes closed.  Pedestrians at the mercy of Newton’s law.

Now, I hesitate to leave the driveway, because I know they’re out there, just waiting for me.

I think today I’ll restrict my television viewing to children’s cartoons, roadrunners going full speed into a cave door that’s painted on a boulder, a pig with a shotgun shooting at a rabbit eating a carrot and maybe a large house cat trying to smash a mouse with an oversized frying pan.

No problems there. 😜



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