Sunday, December 20, 2020

To Throw or Not to Throw


Each and every post on this blog started with a blank page.  It was only through a combination of my brain and typing fingers that they were filled with what you see today. 

It may not be readily apparent but that simple combination is the correlation between Shakespeare and MAD magazine.  That is the unspoken truth that nobody talks about. 

It reminds me of that great… OH, what’s his name?  You know… He was the one who…  Boy, my mind these days.

Let’s start over, maybe it will come to me.  I remember it dealt with the Pavlovian response.  You remember, ring the bell – the dog salivates believing he is about to be fed…

Okay, I remember.  It was Alpo.  Jason Alpo, the guy who talked Ed McMann into doing TV commercials live.  Those were the days, I’ll tell you.

I believe it was those commercials that led to Stupid Pet Tricks on the Dave Letterman show.  Now there’s an active brain for you.  Filming watermelons being thrown off a roof, now THAT’s entertainment.  I doubt William Shakespeare ever thought of that.


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