Friday, December 18, 2020

An Active Listing


There are no shoes in the front hall, no aromas of cooking wafting through the house and no sounds of life beyond that which is occasionally heard in the walls.  The lockbox on the front door suggests the realtors have given up.  The scampering and nest building in the attic are signs that the new tenants, the woodland creatures, have moved in.

An open listing is what the squirrels, chipmunks, bats and insects wait for.  It is their invitation to survive winter indoors. Only every now and then do they glance out of the frosted windows at their previous home, the trees, hedges and rotted logs of the back yard, that are now frozen and snow covered.

It is a changing of the guard, so to speak.  With fresh wires and insulation to feast on they are free to lounge about without fear of a hawk watching their every move.  There are no predators or people, with the exception of a random showing, even humans with their feeble bait traps and annoying pesticides have left for parts unknown.  

This 3-bedroom, two bath house, with pantry, walk-in closets, den and plenty of storage is now theirs and they knew it the moment the sign went up in the front yard.

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