Saturday, December 26, 2020

J. Peterman


So off course was his ship that the sky held no stars at all.  His compass spun uncontrollably and his crew had gone silent.  He was alone in his lostness.  

Even his internal chatter had begun to turn on him.  Doubt was festering, and fester doubt did for his confidence began to melt like the forgotten ice-cream cone laying over there on the table.

Sure, people saw it but no one stopped to clean it up.  If it lay there much longer it would begin to dry and then stain the tabletop.  And if it were allowed to exist throughout tomorrow's Sun – flies would gather.

Somewhere in the back of his mind the Captain knew.  He knew that should flies be drawn to the abandoned cone they would have had to come from the mainland.

Tomorrow, with his high-quality, brass spyglass he had ordered from Amazon, $73.00 with free shipping, he would scan the skies to see from which direction the flies were coming.  Then he would know and he would point his ship in that direction.

His internal chatter began to calm down, his confidence slowly building.

Suddenly - from the crow’s nest he heard, “Building!  I see a building.”

Everyone just assumed the building in question was on land.

Spirits rose - pirate flags were lowered.  The ship was returning home.


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