Saturday, November 7, 2020

Starry Starry Night


I thought I’d try engraving one of these posts just to see what would happen.  Turns out, no matter what font I use, I still need to come up with something blog-worthy to write about.

One of the things I’ve noticed, not that I’m trying to change the subject, is the amazing amount of stuff inside a book that I never read.

Of course, I read the main story, and usually the dedication page, but never do I read all of the blah, blah, blah added in by the publisher or their legal team.



Who has time to read all this, and why bother?  It doesn’t advance the story, there are no plot-twists, or cliff hangers.  It’s just all blah, blah, blah…

They don’t seem to do this type of thing in the art world.  I mean, never have I looked at the back of the Mona Lisa and seen some fine print warning about copyright laws or some frame builder taking credit for the wood around the painting.


I’m just saying…




Although this post was made with

Engraved font, that style did not transfer

over to this program, so when reading it

please close your eyes and imagine the correct font.

Thank you

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