Thursday, November 5, 2020

It's Always Something


Yesterday was one of those absolutely sleepless nights.  I lay there wide awake, getting more and more annoyed that I wasn’t falling asleep.  The temperature was perfect, it was quiet, and I was sure I had reached the end of my day, and yet – there it was, more day left.  The only difference was it was the dark part of the day.  The part usually designated for dreaming.  I was being cheated out of my dreams.

Okay, so maybe that last part wasn't exactly true.  I had spent a good part of the daylight hours day-dreaming what our country would be like if certain things happened.  Maybe more nightmares than dreams, I guess you’d say.

That must have been it, between the time change and the threat of total chaos running rampant, I must have gone to bed too worked up to sleep.  Well that’s just great.  Now if whatshisname gets in, I can expect the next four years to be comprised of tossing and turning, not to mention tossing my cookies.  Yikes!

I may have to join IA, insomniac’s anonymous.  I’ll need a sponsor.  I’ll need their 24 hour hot-line phone number, so I can call them whenever I feel myself starting to nod off.  No wait, I guess it would work the other way.  I would call them during the night when I was lying there staring up at the ceiling.  But then they’d get no sleep either.  That doesn’t seem fair.

Now THAT is going to keep me awake.

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