Wednesday, July 22, 2020

To my way of thinking

Assume for the moment that you had
car trouble.

You call me and say,
"Hey, Zobostic, can you come and give
me a tow?"

Of course, being your friend and
an all around nice guy,
I put a long rope in my trunk and head out
to rescue you.

Now, after I have the two cars tied together,
I say,

"Put your parking brake on
and I'll tow you home."

You're right.
I would never say that.  It makes no sense.

That is the issue I have with the following

Towing this ship with its sails up
is like towing it with the brakes on.

I'm sorry, but to me - that's just dumb.

Don't get me wrong,
I like the picture -

It just bugs me.

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