Monday, July 27, 2020

Facial Recognition

That is one of the apps on my smart phone.  According to it, I’m nowhere to be found.  I don’t know if I’ve said something to upset it, but when it looks at me, it just blinks inquisitively, like it is trying to place me but just can’t.

Did we go to school together?  Were you in one of my classes?

“No, you stupid phone.  It’s me.  You know, the guy who pays the bill every month.”

Still, there is nothing, no reaction.

Then again, maybe I don't really exists.  Maybe I am a figment.  It's possible.  Maybe I'm your figment.

Think about it; you don't recognize my face, you've never heard my voice...  How do you know?  

I am simply a blog in the universe named Zobostic Corwin.
Like Orion or Cassiopeia, I hang around for you to occasionally see.  

Instead of being comprised of dust and gasses, my makeup is of vowels, adjectives, and consonants, with an occasional comma streaking across the dark paragraph.

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