Friday, January 11, 2019

Natural Resources

The gasoline that collects beneath the earth's surface
has a tendency to gravitate to corners.  That is
why you'll see most gas companies put their gas stations
at intersections, usually right on the corner.  All they
need to do then is to drill straight down, drop in a 
hose and connect it to the pumps.

Banks, on the other hand, seem to draw their currency
from money trees.  That's why you'll see a bank where ever
there's a branch.

Laundry detergent rivers coming down from the mountains form Tide pools.  Any of this liquid that seeps into the earth creates detergent gasoline and is then transported by trucks to gas stations.

My Great Grandfather, who worked at the lumber mill taught me these things.  Actually, he didn't work directly for the mill, his was more a splinter group.

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