Friday, January 30, 2015

Pet Peeves

They do it at the supermarket, they do it at the library and it isn’t all of them, it’s just a rare few but it drives me bonkers. 
I hand them my little grocery discount card so they can scan it, or I hand them my library card to check out a book and rather than hand it back to me when they are done, they go out of their way to set it down on the counter. 
Okay, so it may not seem like much to you, but think about it; There I am – Mr. Customer, standing no more than a counter’s width away with my hand outstretched waiting, and they do the annoying little sidestep and lay it on the counter. 
If they were germ-a-phobes then they’re in the wrong business and should not be waiting on the general public.  If they are simply rude - then again they shouldn’t be in that position.



 That’s it for now.  I have other peeves but I can see you're already rolling your eyes.


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Hummmmmm, never really noticed that, but I will pay more attention and let you know if it is also a Washington thing or strictly a Michigan thing.