Saturday, January 17, 2015

NCC - 1701

For years we had an old canister vacuum cleaner.  It was well made but various parts would break now and then and I would doctor the thing up with home-made items and stuff I had laying around my workbench.  Eventually I began to add my own design improvements like little side shields that would deflect table legs and corners of walls, keeping dents and furniture scratches to a minimum.  The main drive mechanism over heated one day, so much so that the thing warped, I managed however to keep it very functional for a long time, maybe 5 years, which was great because we didn’t have to shell out money for a new one.  It had to be our favorite vacuum of all time.  It had a wand that would extend out and it was slightly angled so it would go where no other vacuum had gone before, like the deep space beneath the couch and up to the cold air returns along the ceiling where cobwebs always seem to thrive, and the bristled attachment easily got the cat hair – you know, from along the bottom of the curtains where it seemed to always cling on.

I didn’t intend to tell you all of this except I just ran across the history of it in my log and it somehow sounded so familiar, I’m not sure why…


1 comment:

Pauline said...

Was that the "STAR DATE NCC-1701"????
Loved those vac's...................